43. The Worst Week Yet attends a Donda listening party with The Taliban (Featuring Tanya Turner)


This week, Andrew and Maria were joined by Tanya from The Trillbillies to discuss whether or not THIS was The Worst Week Yet. Topics include: A surprising judgement, Onlyfans reverses course, ever heard of The Rolling Stones?, Kanye leading the fight against cancel culture, Hotdogs are…bad or you???, free school lunch is CANCELLED, a storm is coming, Covid is killing us faster than hot dogs, the vaccine is all we’re gettin, evictions are BACK baby, the covid blame game, Cyber Ninjas and a brief Incel explainer, and another entry into our ongoing segment What The Fuck Joe Biden? (Afghanistan edition)

Give a sex worker some money, god damnit.


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Follow Maria: @Sandernista412

Follow Tanya: @Auntiebernice

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