53. The Birds Week Yet (Featuring Deanna and Donovan)


This week, Andrew was joined by Deanna and Donovan to discuss whether or not THIS was The Worst Week Yet. Topics inlclude: a traveler lost at sea, ACAB includes the Cop26 summit, YouTube fixes mental health, Alec Baldwin’s got a bad idea, the sexiest man alive is…who?, Marjorie Taylor Greene becomes a prison abolitionist, The Kyle Rittenhouse clown trial, Killer Congressional cartoons, we check on covid numbers, Big Bird does propaganda, and an anti-vaccine protest goes even more off the rails, a big potato, we bring back What The Fuck Joe Biden, infraSUCKture, Inflation victim blaming, and how some big retailers are prepping for the holiday season! Oh also Dono gave us a bunch of bird facts.


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Follow Andrew: @andrewhilaryus

Follow Donovan: @rftbpod

Follow Deanna: @ddddeanna

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