people are shocked when we tell them this is authentic pho. - Ghost Coast Video

people are shocked when we tell them this is authentic pho.

So my restaurant is called Who Wanna Pho And pho P-H-O right
Yes it is pronounced pho and not pho
if you're new to the neighborhood you've never been inside we come through the door what are the smells that are hitting us what are the sites that are hitting us okay so when you first walk through the door you will first see the lounge right and the bar directly to your left And throughout this whole entire when you even stand there you see the whole entire aesthetic coming together with all the LED strip lights that we have throughout the restaurant Every single wall is custom designed by my branding agency And as a matter of fact my branding agency is responsible for the entire branding of Who Wanna Pho including the naming and the logo of who wanna pho

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