Presented By: Brandyn A Buchanan

Ghost Coast Video

Take a look at this concept from our idea board.

The Pitch

Your Full, Real Name
Preferred Social Media
I'm Mainly Interested In
full incubation with community support (start to finish, every step of the way)
sponsorship or partnership (just need a couple things)
private idea, do not share (apex members only)
not sure yet – please contact me for a walk-through of my options.
Type Of Idea
Social party, meeting or gathering
Class, workshop or educational
Film, video or digital media idea
Audio recording project
Live performance, concert or theatrical show
How Devevloped Is Your Idea?
20% – Just came to me
40% – Been thinking about it for awhile
60% – I am working on plans for how it could work
80% – I know exactly how most of it will work
100% – I have done it before. It's turnkey for me.
What Do You Call Your Idea?
What is your idea? Tell us your best elevator pitch. Please describe with as much detail as you can in a few sentences. A fun description helps generate more interest in your project!
What's your relationship to this idea?
I want to be in charge of making it happen.
I just think it's a cool idea that I could help out with, but I don't want to be in charge.
This is a free idea I think someone else should do.
Members can contact me via:
phone call
text message
social media only
Can you share an image that symbolizes your idea, like a logo? (1000*1000 is best)

Contact & Get Involved

Does this sound like an idea you'd like to be a part of? The contact information is here. You can also join the Co-Creator Incubator if you want to get more help.

  • Email Address: 


  • Phone Number:


  • On Social Media: 

    @ghostcoast video everywhere

Get in Touch

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