Episode 55: Capitalism Is Cringe (with Lauren Ashcraft)


Lauren Ashcraft has gone on an incredible journey to become a candidate for New York's 12th district. Once you've spent an hour with her, you might want that journey to go one step further.

  • How campaign finance sets the stage for war.
  • Changing campaign finance to keep all money from corporate PACs out of elections.
  • Creating a national public transportation system.
  • Lauren's journey to socialism.
  • What she can say to people considering Joe Biden.
  • How a Lauren/Bernie team can help an intersectional women's rights movement.
  • Andrew Yang's karaoke fundraiser, and how to get Lauren to sing the Hamilton soundtrack for YOU.

All that and a LOT more – you gotta listen and good. ==>https://laurenashcraft.com/==>http://twitter.com/VoteAshcraft==>http://patreon.com/notsafe

About the author 


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