You Should Have A Now Page


Keeping In Touch After The Sale

I think about people who I communicate with doing business. And what's our relationship after they pay the bill for the month?

I tell them that I'm making a long term commitment to their business, and I am – so how am I making sure that I wasn't just a ship in the night talking to them abruptly, but somebody who cares about their progress?

Hopefully, doing this newsletter is a big factor in staying a little connected to your life and vice versa.

I'm not going to to hold my feet to the blades to get to you every week, but that's my goal.

If you're going to be in a community, you should be around regularly.

So, I decided to put the company to work on this.

How could I, as a video producer, make enough video to stay in touch with all of y'all?

Diversity By Doing

Well, instead of leaning on my own understanding (I want everything, everywhere, all at once)

People really just wanted to have great quality of work and to not feel like they were getting left behind.

Clips – people obviously wanted clips.

Carousels – those Instagram style carousels

And some sort of weekly piece.

There is so much experience, memory, identity in a single person's head that if you can extract even a couple pieces of it consistently, that's pretty good.

And it gives the average person piece of mind! I've been doing a good job of that over the last few months so now I'm combining those features into a single service.

Stay tuned for that.

My Notes On Building A Network

I recommend everybody picking up a real book. Standards are so low right now, people will be impressed just knowing you can read.

Anyway, it's called Art Thinking by Amy Whittaker.

We really want to connect people whose skills are in every area across this quadrant.

Here's an example.

I went to a networking event in Arizona called M3.

I also went to a local group in Atlanta called MixDeity.

Both of them had different things going on. I met people in Arizona that were ready to absolutely get moving with a gig – which was a great change from the nonprofit landscape where you're dealing with boards who sometimes have the final sway.

Of course in Atlanta, whatever the “there” is from networking, I feel like I'm more likely to get there with people I know in real life and really care about.

It also lets me think really clearly about what I can do for people, how much of it.

They're not all gonna be jaded about the networking format.

If you live in Atlanta and you're looking to work on and develop a project MixDeity's a good place to go.

But also, the Ghost Coast Video community on LinkedIn is also the premier place for all your talking to me needs.

Why I'm Using A Now Page

So I want everything I'm talking about to be really easy to demonstrate at my fingertips.

I've got my client work folder, but is that really supposed to be “public”?

Anyway: with both groups, I wanted to have the ability to stay in touch with the entire room at once.

With a whole room of people talking about themselves, I'd like to stand out as someone who can immediately show what he's talking about.

That's part of the reason why I made a /now page. I can change it and then send someone a note to look at it. That's pretty hot.

I'm hoping that people will participate in communities that I'm a part of and then stay attached to me as they want to.

You can cultivate your own peer group like that.

Better Than Work Ethic.

Your peer group will probably outrank your work ethic.

You know lots of lazy rich people and they didn't get there by cramming 10,000 hours of experience in – whatever it is.

First of all, you've already done the hardest thing there is to do, which is be born. You were the biggest and fastest and meanest of a very crowded field. Just because you don't remember it doesn't mean it's not true.

Second of all, your 10,000 hours in whatever you're good at is probably useful to some group of people somewhere.

It's easier to succeed in a group.

Audiograms and Cheryl

So hey, if you want to see the best of what my systems have right now:

Here's some work with Until.Org showing an audiogram.

And here's some work with Cheryl:

The Rent Is Too Damn High

People are wearing our shirts in Detroit, that's pretty cool.

We'd started the rent is too damn high as a content syndication event – but when they actually got their eyes on the graphics package, they wanted to put it in other places.

We made variations on the image that they could print in person.

These sold like crazy – I don't have to “sell you” on why. It's really good. Duh.

Skepticism is normal, if people have even a flimsy reason to doubt you, then they probably will.

The No Boss System

Okay, here's one example – look at my website?

I try to have a literal voice over narration over what I'm describing.

I'd rather have everything in the past tied up in a bow.

But also, keep this in mind – proving things doesn't prove anything.

Eventually, you need to find people who vibe with you and find you genuine.

Where Content Comes From

I can look at what they're saying and write down answers. Now the next time I'm in that kind of situation, I've thought about what they're going through on a much deeper level.

  • I'm looking at TikToks : I really think of that thing as a bit of a brain drain, but I always like it when I find a really good video there.
  • I'm looking at my past writing: I especially like to keep track of what I was mad about three, or six, or nine months ago. Am I still interested in it, do I still have something to prove?
  • I'm looking at old bookmarks: A lot of time time you bookmark things because you don't have time during the day.
  • Client conversations. Very good to look at conversations with clients and think, oh yeah that was good. But it's still hard because it's not like any app in the world is going to capture your entire life. If you're talking, thinking, walking, at a community center – whatever it is.

I find when writing a lot of the process is making the right things pop up at the right time, and centralizing my best conversations and insights, which usually DON'T happen on the web.

Excess Energy

Can I talk about what I did, and what I'm doing next in an intelligent way, on a week to week or month to month basis?

I'm just extremely into the present tense. Anything I've got that completed or near completion, it's gonna get finished now, or at least as soon as possible.

I don't quite have the juice to send everybody a custom made video every week (yet) and I think people would rather hear from me by hand than some Cronenberg invention.

I’m Brandyn Buchanan.

I help you:

  • Find Creative Space: Social media for building leverage, attracting like-minds, and “getting your name out there”.
  • High Performance Growth: Quickly make funnels, products, memberships, and mailing lists with simple tools that work together.
  • Create Your Reality: Achieve time and lifestyle freedom: Very few people want to work more than 2-4 hours of work a day. I want you to “get in flow” and create the life you love.

Time To Leave. 🚪🏃‍♀️💨

About the author 


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